116: R E S T – A Deeper Look Inside What It Means to Rest


Are you making space for intentional rest in your life and days? 

Are you resting well?

When you make space to rest, are you leaving that space feeling rejuvenated, ready to pour out and work from the place of rest?

In this episode Sasha shares a few scriptures pertaining to rest and shares an acronym for R E S T. Sasha noticed that herself and her clients, as well as others, have been feeling the call to a season of rest or more focus on rest in their daily lives. In this episode Sasha digs into what rest looks like and how we can be better at seeking or creating space for intentional rest in our lives. 

Want to join us in the 2023 Fresh Star➚ where we dig into creating schedules that actually work for you and your family AND incorporate space for awareness and rest! For more information, jump on our VIP list here: https://mailchi.mp/b35e1b18bfe3/2023freshstart


Winter in Alaska photo by Kayla Serene Photography 
Winter in Alaska photo by Kayla Serene Photography

Rest has been a reoccurring theme in my life as well as the lives of those in my circle

This idea of rest is very timely. I feel like it’s timely because it’s winter!

It’s the opposite of all other seasons. Fall marks when the hustle and bustle of earth’s productive seasons start slowing down and starts turning back in on itself  for a seasonal retreat.  It’s in no way surprising to me that many people feel  this internal desire, call,  or push into this season of rest. 

So, what is rest? Typically when we think of rest we think of sleeping. Sleeping is an amazing way our body can rest and heal,  restore and cleanse, detox, or even go back to a baseline.

I LOVE how God speaks of REST right from the beginning. In Genesis 2:2-3  HE says 

And on the seventh day God finished His work that He had done and He rested on the seventh day from all the work that He had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it Holy because on it God rested from all that He had done in creation . 

God created the earth and all creation in six days and rested on His seventh day… but it was on the sixth day that He made Adam and Eve, humans. So it is arguably humans first day that they rested. I love how Adam and Eve started out resting on their first day and then began their work. After their rest they went out to multiply and subdue the earth. What a thought provoking perspective shift that they  would show up and work from a place of rest instead of resting from their work!

Day ONE = REST Gen. 2:2-3


GOD gave me an acronym for the word rest and this is how it’s broken down….

R – Resist productivity

It may feel backwards or wrong to not be productive in a time where go,go,go and do,do,do falls on top of everyone else’s needs of you  but it is vital to following God’s example in Genesis 2:2-3.

E – Eliminate the unnecessary

There is so much in our lives that is unnecessary; from physical things to thoughts we keep thinking that really don’t matter. Resting is important because it creates space and time to turn in and get quiet, to clean house of those things that are not for us.

Come to me all who labor and are heavy ladened and I’ll give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light!  

Matthew 11:20-30

S – Seek stillness

Honestly it requires diligence and practice because for some we can find rest in a hobby or activity but we are not fully still. We are still trying to figure out how to make our rest productive. We are seeking that ultimate rest in the Lord, of being still and waiting on Him. No stimulation for the mind  but sitting in His complete presence.  When we seek stillness we find that there is this mind, body, soul, heart transformation that comes together from the stillness in rest. 

T – Test everything

Test everything against scripture, prayer, and your values. I see many times for myself and my clients that we get caught up in the world and all the productivity and all the physical stuff, saying yes to things that are not our best yes! We wind up filling our days, our minds and our schedules with busyness that is not in line with our values. Things that are not in line with the things God has called us to do in this season. It is vital for us to process our values and pray about what God has called us to in this season. Take time to pray and test everything against scripture because that is God’s word TRUTH with a capital T! 

I hope you’re  finding and creating time for REST daily, weekly via honoring the Sabbath, and finding rest in the season you’re in. If you’re not, this is your prompting to implement it more into all you do. Create a lifestyle where rest is a value and a focus. Find and create space where you’re resisting productivity,
creating space to eliminate any of the unnecessary thoughts or activities, seek that stillness where you’re waiting on the Lord, and test everything that you have going on in your life against scripture, prayer, and your values.

For more podcast episodes/blog posts surrounding the topic of rest check these out: 
Ep.016 Following Jesus’ Example-Taking time to rest and pray 
Ep.110 Is the resting place of God’s Love the source & root of your life? featuring Ashlynn Ellis 
Ep.116 REST- A deeper look inside what it means to rest.


Coming Soon

More about your Podcast Host

Sasha Star Robertson is an Intentional Living & Biblical Mindset Coach for busy Christian moms, wife of 13 years to her best friend, boy mom (blessed by adoption), travel addict, and Jesus freak. She is the founder of The Intentional Abundance Co., curator of the Life & Goals Planner, & host of the Intentional Momlife with Jesus Podcast.

Sasha Star Robertson is an Intentional Living & Biblical Mindset Coach for busy Christian moms, wife of 13 years to her best friend, boy mom (blessed by adoption), travel addict, and Jesus freak. She is the founder of The Intentional Abundance Co., curator of the Life & Goals Planner, & host of the Intentional Abundant Life Podcast.

Would you benefit from having a coach helping you live Productively Peaceful days digging into Faithful Foundations, Purposeful Priorities, Mindset Mastery, & Simple Selfcare? This question is rhetorical, everyone would! Schedule a consult with Sasha to learn more about the IAM Coaching Program and to see if you’d be a good it. https://calendly.com/intentionalabundanceco/iamconsult

Desiring Community?

You’re invited to join us in the Productively Peaceful Moms Club over on facebook! It’s a safe space where we can show up vulnerably and encourage each other, where ere share the mission of being the best mommas we can be through the grace and strength of Jesus Christ, where we encourage consistency and are able to hold each other accountable. We share scripture and talk about podcast episodes and pray for each other and set goals and so much more! You’re more than welcome here, you’re wanted here! https://www.facebook.com/groups/IntentionalAbundance

Published by Intentional Momlife with Jesus Podcast - Sasha Star Robertson

Sasha Star Robertson is an Intentional Living & Biblical Mindset Coach for busy Christian moms, wife of 13 years to her best friend, boy mom (blessed by adoption), travel addict, and Jesus freak. She is the founder of The Intentional Abundance Co., curator of the Life & Goals Planner, & host of the Intentional Momlife with Jesus Podcast.

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