218: Unleash Your Brain Power: Conquering the Never-Ending To-Do List for Good

Is your never–ending to-do list weighing on you?
Did you know that your to-do list could be the very thing keeping you overwhelmed?
Are you ready to kick the to-do list for good?

In this episode I share some neurological details about what happens in your brain when you live off a to-do list. Please note, I’m not a neurologist, but I’ve lived a life from both areas of my brain and I’m here to testify that one way is significantly better than the other. Yet so many moms don’t know this truth and allow themselves to stay stuck in the defeat of zapped energy, brain fog, and more.

I’m a believer in awareness being the first step to getting out from underneath the overwhelm and chaos and I am excited that I get to walk alongside the committed mommas ready for change. Once you clearly understand these different parts of your brain, you can more easily recognize which things in your life you can shift to live from a place of habit and routine.

I hope this episode blesses you!

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My good friend Robin and I are bringing you an Intentional & Healthy Woman Bundle that you are NOT going to want to miss! To get on the waitlist and be the first to learn more, click here: https://intentionalabundance.life/healthy

Your Host, Sasha Star Robertson is an Intentional Living & Biblical Mindset Coach for busy Christian moms, wife of 15 years to her best friend, mom x3 (blessed by adoption), travel addict, and Jesus freak. She is the founder of The Intentional Abundance Co., curator of the Life & Goals Planner, host of the Intentional MomLife with Jesus Podcast & co-host of the Faithful Family Fortress Podcast. Sasha is passionate about the call in Isaiah 61:1-2 and believes that God called her to set mothers free from the stress, overwhelm, and burden associated with modern day motherhood and instead help them live in the freedom of Christ through Biblical mindset & balanced schedules.

Your Host, Sasha Star Robertson is an Intentional Living & Biblical Mindset Coach for busy Christian moms, wife of 14 years to her best friend, boy mom x2 (blessed by adoption), travel addict, and Jesus freak. She is the founder of The Intentional Abundance Co., curator of the Life & Goals Planner, host of the Intentional MomLife with Jesus Podcast & co-host of the Faithful Family Fortress Podcast. Sasha is passionate about the call in Isaiah 61:1-2 and believes that God called her to set mothers free from the stress, overwhelm, and burden associated with modern day motherhood and instead help them live in the freedom of Christ through Biblical mindset & balanced schedules..

Would you benefit from having a coach helping you live Productively Peaceful days digging into Faithful Foundations, Purposeful Priorities, Mindset Mastery, & Simple Selfcare? This question is rhetorical, everyone would! http://www.JointheIAM.com or Schedule a consult with Sasha to learn more about the IAM Coaching Program and to see if you’d be a good fit. https://calendly.com/intentionalabundanceco/iamconsult

Desiring Community?

You’re invited to join us in the Productively Peaceful Moms Club over on facebook! It’s a safe space where we can show up vulnerably and encourage each other, where ere share the mission of being the best mommas we can be through the grace and strength of Jesus Christ, where we encourage consistency and are able to hold each other accountable. We share scripture and talk about podcast episodes and pray for each other and set goals and so much more! You’re more than welcome here, you’re wanted here! https://www.intentionalabundance.life/community

Leave Sasha a message on her SpeakPipe to be featured on the Podcast! Whether you have a topic or specific question you’d like discussed here on the show, or want to leave a verbal review. https://www.speakpipe.com/MomlifewithJesus

Published by Intentional Momlife with Jesus Podcast - Sasha Star Robertson

Sasha Star Robertson is an Intentional Living & Biblical Mindset Coach for busy Christian moms, wife of 13 years to her best friend, boy mom (blessed by adoption), travel addict, and Jesus freak. She is the founder of The Intentional Abundance Co., curator of the Life & Goals Planner, & host of the Intentional Momlife with Jesus Podcast.

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