164: How to Live Intentionally as a Working Mom with Monica Corrie

Are you a working mom?
Do you have a business in addition to motherhood?
Do you wonder at times, “can I really do everything I need to?”

In this episode Sasha chats with Monica Corrie, wife, mom, full time employee, owner of Brazen Belief Life Coaching, and host of the Peaceful Pregnancy & Parenting Podcast.

Monica shares about her experience being an 8 to 5 Monday to Friday working mom, entrepreneur, mom, and more. She does just share all she does… she shares how she does it all!

Monica talks about some of the powerful beliefs she holds onto that help her be more intentional and productive with her time while honoring the calling God has placed on her life.

In addition to talking about mindset, Monica talks about comparison, routines, the power in writing down your schedule and tasks, and so much more!

163: Angry Mom? How to Identify and Overcome Destructive Anger in Motherhood with Natalie Hixson part 2

Are you an angry mom?
Do you experience emotional outbursts?
Do you wish you could overcome these destructive behaviors in a healthy way?

In this episode Sasha chats with Natalie Hixson about identifying and overcoming anger and emotional outbursts in motherhood. If you’re a mom that struggles with anger, frustration, yelling, or emotional outbursts, this is an episode you do not want to miss!

Natalie is a wife and mom. She is an author and Certified Professional Life Coach. Her mission and passion is helping discouraged and burnt out Christian moms overcome destructive anger so they enjoy being a wife and mom. Natalie, her husband Mike and their three daughters live in beautiful Bozeman, Montana.

**Be sure to go back and listen to part 1 of Natalie’s episode where she shared her testimony of being an angry mom and how God and therapy helped her move past it.**

Natalie shares the difference between normal anger and destructive anger. She talks about what destructive anger looks like and how damaging it is to our lives and others. She shares how to not only recognize our emotions and the energy they carry, but how to release it in healthy ways. Natalie walks us through her process to SIT and Pray through anger in the moment.

162: Feeling Stuck or Burnout in Motherhood and Marriage? Overcome Anger to Enjoy Being a Wife and Mom with Natalie Hixson part 1

Are you feeling Stuck or burnout in motherhood and marriage?
Do you get frustrated and angry easily?
Are you afraid to share that anger with anyone?

You’re not alone momma! In this episode Sasha chats with Natalie Hixson about being an angry mom. If you’re a mom that struggles with anger, frustration, yelling, or emotional outbursts, this is an episode you do not want to miss!

Natalie is a wife and mom. She is an author and Certified Professional Life Coach. Her mission and passion is helping discouraged and burnt out Christian moms overcome destructive anger so they enjoy being a wife and mom. Natalie, her husband Mike and their three daughters live in beautiful Bozeman, Montana.

Natalie shares her testimony of how she went from being burnt-out and feeling stuck to thriving and joyful in motherhood. She shares how she took her toddler to therapy only to see that therapy was for her, not her daughter. Natalie shares a powerful story how God pulled her from destructive anger to becoming a coach that helps other moms draw near to God, release guilt and shame, so they they can enjoy being a wife and a mom.

161: Letting God Lead Your Motherhood and Homemaking for a More Peaceful, Fulfilled, and Intentional Mom Life With Jennifer Lovemore

In this episode Sasha chats with Jennifer Lovemore, South African wife of 32 years, mom to 3 grown kids, and mom-mentor. Jennifer helps frazzled moms minimize chaos, stress, and overwhelm, by focusing on key aspects so they can find true fulfillment in their calling – and find the bigger purpose to their lives besides dishes and laundry!

Jennifer shares her motherhood testimony and how she went from an irritated and frustrated mom about to snap, to an intentional mom. She shares about mindset shifts that took place for her to not only value her work as a mom, but to apply herself and ‘treat home and parenting like a business’. Jennifer shares how God was at the center of this transition and how He has remained her guide and focus since.

Jennifer talks about how moms can lean into God to shift their motherhood mindset and practical ways to raise grow kids that still want to communicate with you. She also speaks to the importance of investing in early childhood to reap a harvest in the teenage years and beyond. This is a value packed, mindset shifting, and encouraging episode all wrapped into one.

159: Christian Parenting Books That Will Change the Way You Momlife With Val Harrison

In this podcast episode Sasha chats with Val Harrison, host of the Practically Speaking MOM Podcast. Val has been married 30 years, is mom to 7, and grandma to 3. Through her podcast, books, and resources her passion is for encouraging and equipping intentional moms to build strong families.
Val shares about 4 of the Christian Parenting Books that she has written to help moms live practically and peacefully while pouring into their children and families through God’s design. She shares practical steps to wearing all the hats in motherhood without wearing out. She shares some tips for when littles are loud through meeting their needs. Val speaks a lot about how God parents in scripture and how we as parents and parent like Him. Val leaves us with encouragement for when we make mistakes as a mom.
*Be sure to go back to yesterdays episode 158 to listen to part 1 of Val’s interview where she talks about the difference between root parenting and surface parenting and shares about raising Luke 2:52 kids.

158: Parenting Styles That Help You Connect With Your Child’s Heart With Val Harrison

In this podcast episode Sasha chats with Val Harrison, host of the Practically Speaking MOM Podcast. Val has been married 30 years, is mom to 7, and grandma to 3. Through her podcast, books, and resources her passion is for encouraging and equipping intentional moms to build strong families.
Val begins this episode sharing a parenting mindset shift about God’s masterpiece then dives into different parenting styles and parenting tips. She talks about the difference between root parenting and surface parenting with examples. Val shares her an often overlooked parenting scripture, Luke 2:52. She teaches how to raise Luke 2:52 kids through root parenting.
*Be sure to come back tomorrow to listen to part 2 of Val’s interview where she shares about the many Christian Parenting Books that she has written and some of the wisdom they contain.

156: Simple Schedule for Cleaning Your Home with Desiree Robinson

Episode 13 of The Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Series Does your husband desire a cleaner home, but you find yourself overwhelmed with it all?  In this episode Sasha chats with Desireé Robinson, homemaker, homesteader, homebirther, homeschooling mom of 3 boys on a mission to help busy Christian moms experience an Organized, Low Tox , PeacefulContinue reading “156: Simple Schedule for Cleaning Your Home with Desiree Robinson”

154: Mindset Shifts for Effective Home Routines From a Biblical Perspective With Elyse Rooney

Episode 11 of The Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Series Have you ever sat in your home thinking, “thing need to change” but not sure where to start? Have you ever considered to bringing God into your house work?  In this episode of the Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Series on the Intentional Momlife with Jesus PodcastContinue reading “154: Mindset Shifts for Effective Home Routines From a Biblical Perspective With Elyse Rooney”

152: 5 Steps to Easy Home Maintenance With Lisa Lizotte *part 2*

Episode 9 of The Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Series Are you feeling overwhelmed by your home management?Do you have a desire to establish better home making habits?Would you love to see a refreshed home each morning through a few simple shifts? In this episode Sasha chats with Lisa Lizotte, Christ follower, wife, homeschooling mom, minimalist,Continue reading “152: 5 Steps to Easy Home Maintenance With Lisa Lizotte *part 2*”

151: Overwhelmed by Your Home Management? Live Within Your Capacity With Lisa Lizotte *part 1*

Episode 8 of The Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Series Are you feeling overwhelmed by your home management?Are you living in reactive mode, yet desiring to be more intentional with your home?Do you have a desire to establish better home making habits? In this episode Sasha chats with Lisa Lizotte, Christ follower, wife, homeschooling mom, minimalist,Continue reading “151: Overwhelmed by Your Home Management? Live Within Your Capacity With Lisa Lizotte *part 1*”