216: Does Health Feel Like ‘Another Thing’ You’re Trying to Prioritize? Simple Steps to Get Your Time in Order and Create a Healthy Lifestyle With Robin Rhine McDonald

In this episode I bring back my dear friend Robin Rhine McDonald (she’s been a guest before) and we dive into all things time, priorities, & health! This is a super fun conversation where you get to come inside our friendship and hearts. Robin is super passionate about health from a Biblical focus and foundation. I am passionate about making time for all the things that matter to you in the season of life that you’re living in. Robin and I bring it all together in this episode where we talk about health is important in every season, how we as driven moms must prioritize caring for ourselves, and how we can use time management effectively to create the space for health and more. 

211: Why Self Care Is Important for Stay at Home Moms

Are you struggling to show up as your best self?
Feeling like your needs aren’t being met?
In a state of constant pouring out and needing refilled?

In this episode I dive into what I like to call your selfcare baseline… aka non-negotiables, aka fundamental needs. So moms, it’s so easy for us to fall into the trap that “selfcare is selfish”, that we need to keep serving and tending to the needs of others or our home before we can do anything for ourselves. But in reality, that’s backwards. We have to steward our minds, bodies, and spiritual health well SO THAT we can continue showing up for our families, home, and others. In this episode I dive into the critical importance of self care for stay at home/work from home moms and give you steps on how to get started implementing your baseline selfcare. 

Snag the free Simple Biblical Selfcare Blueprint at SimpleBiblicalSelfcare.com

185: Healthy Habits to Sustain Balance through Changing Seasons

Do seasonal transitions always seem to throw you off balance?
Are you about to go through a seasonal change and are concerned about how to navigate it successfully?

In this episode Sasha shares tips on how to successfully navigate life and seasonal changes in a way that helps you not just survive but thrive and sustain balance. Sasha talks about non-negotiables, healthy habits, and selfcare that helps you continually show up as that cup overflowing into your family, home, and others.

182: Struggling with Managing the Time? 2 Tips to Simplify Your Schedule as a Mom

In this episode Sasha shares why most moms struggle to manage their time and provides 2 of her foundational tips to help busy moms simplify their schedules.

Sasha explores the idea of living in integrity with your most purposeful priorities, what they are, and how to lean into God’s direction to uncover your own. She also talks about the importance of knowing how and where you’re spending your time so that you’re not wasting this precious resource.

180: Can’t Find a Good Schedule? Balance Life through These Planning Strategies

In this episode Sasha shares her 4 steps to creating a schedule that actually works for busy moms. She shares the potential that she believes is possible for moms everywhere. The potential to create balance or harmony in mom life. The potential to be present and show up for all the things that are for you.

Sasha talks about her 5 steps: Purposeful Priories, God-led Goals & Guide, Systems Schedules & Routines, Mastering the Evaluation & Shift, and Community Container that are the exact process she uses in her own life and with her clients to help them step into Intentionally Abundant Motherhood in Christ.

177: 9 Ways Your Thoughts Are Lying to You. Mental Health Tool to Help Reduce Stress

In this episode Sasha talks about how our thought health is not just an important area of health to focus on, but how our thoughts have the power to directly impact our physical health.

Sasha shares about Automatic Negative Thoughts or ANTs. There are 9 different ANTs that crawl around in our minds negatively impacting our health and creating additional stress in our lives. Understanding these 9 ANTs is the first step to being able to recognize them, and then do something about them.

Listen in as Sasha shares these ANTs and a few steps you can begin taking today to rid your mindset of these pesky thoughts and create more peace in your life.

174: The Truth about Self Care! 6 Healthy Habits Every Mom Needs

In this episode Sasha shares the foundation of Simple Biblical Selfcare and how it’s not what you think it is… but more so, she dives into 5 healthy habits, or health foundations, that every mom needs.

Sasha shares about the 4 areas of selfcare from Mark 12:30 and dives into how each one of them apply to the 5 simple yet massively powerful areas of health that moms need to perform at their best in motherhood.

Pop on over to the Mom Life Balance Community on Facebook and weigh in on what health means to you: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IntentionalAbundance

Schedule your Purposeful Priorities Clarity Call with Sasha to cut the overwhelm and chaos to instead live in integrity with what matters most to you and what God has for you in this season of life. https://calendly.com/intentionalabundanceco/purposefulpriorities

Want to snag the free Simple Biblical Selfcare Blueprint to dive deeper into what the Bible says about selfcare and how you can create your own plan? Grab your copy here: SimpleBiblicalSelfcare.com

122: Is Selfcare a Selfish Thing for Moms to Focus On?

Summary Is selfcare selfish? As a mom, do you consistently neglect your own needs in the name of caring for others? Are there any non-negotiables that you prioritize in your life so that you can keep pouring out?  In this podcast episode Sasha breaks down the common belief that selfcare is selfish and shares aContinue reading “122: Is Selfcare a Selfish Thing for Moms to Focus On?”

037: Simple Biblical Selfcare for Busy Christian Moms

Summary In this episode Sasha shares her beliefs and God given understanding of selfcare, aka soulcare. She talks about the worldly version of selfcare, “you cannot pour from an empty cup” and invites you into exploring what scripture says about living from the “peace that surpases understanding” and pouring out living water to all thoseContinue reading “037: Simple Biblical Selfcare for Busy Christian Moms”