173: What Could You Do With 2 Additional Hours in Your Day?

In this episode Sasha shares how to check your social media usage and encourages listeners to explore the possibility of what God things they could do with that time instead.

Sasha’s goal isn’t to get everyone to leave social media for good, but to become aware at the amount of time they spent on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. When we become aware of these things, we are able to take action on our habits to create the results we actually desire in life and we are able to achieve those God-led goals that He has been calling us to for longer than we’d like to admit.

Join us in the Make Social Media Small Challenge Sandy Cooper created! We start on 7/1 so sign up at http://makesocialmediasmall.com/
And then join us in the telegram chat where we can share struggles, success, and pray with each other as we put social media in it’s rightful place! 
Telegram chat: https://t.me/+mIolrECY-wQ4ODJh

172: Could You Be Addicted to Social Media? 10 Signs & 10 Ways to Overcome

In this episode Sasha shares about the tough season of life she has been walking through and the role Social Media has played in this season. She shares vulnerably about the way Social Media has been a distraction away from what truly matters most as well as a crutch allowing her to disengage from life, feelings, and processing in this seasons.

Sasha provides powerful questions that we each need to ask ourselves about our use of Social Media, whether we’re walking through tough seasons or not. Questions about our purposes for being on Social Media, how it makes us feel, how much time were spending on it, and whether it’s what God has for us or not.

Listen in and then create space to ask yourself these questions so that you can make a wise decision about your social media involvement and usage.

171: 3 Reasons You Might Need a Break from Social Media with Sandy Cooper part 2

Have you ever considered taking a break from social media?
Has social media usage ever caused you to feel low?
Are you constantly being distracted by social media?

Let’s face it, Social Media is a time suck!
& SO much more!

In this episode Sasha wraps up this 2 part episode with Sandy Cooper, a Bible study teacher, podcast host of The Balanced MomCast, writer, and professionally certified home chef that helps frazzled women find peace.

Sandy talks about 3 compelling reasons why you might need a break from social media, or at least take a look at your usage. Sandy shares a lot of facts and statistics, in boldness and love, about the realities of social media usage. She encourages us to create some distance to take a good hard look at how social media is showing up and effecting your life and family. Sandy touches on some powerful points and considerations for moms, not just for yourself, but for kids as well. Lastly, Sandy shares about how social media effects your focus and has the ability to change the way we think and process.

Don’t forget to go back to listen to episode 170 for part 1 where Sandy shares he personal testimony of social media usage and how it she counter culturally walked away from it, as a business owner, mom, and more.

170: Feeling Trapped by Social Media? Looking for Signs with Sandy Cooper *part 1*

Have you been given a vision or calling from God?
Are you waiting on this vision to become reality? 
If your faith a struggle in the waiting seasons?
In this episode Sasha chats with Sandy Cooper, a Bible study teacher, podcast host of The Balanced MomCast, writer, and professionally certified home chef that helps frazzled women find peace.

Sandy shares about her life from motherhood, to the books she has written, and the role social media has played in her life. She talks about the way many of us use social media, for hours each day, which by the way, is one of the red flag signs of a social media addiction.

Sandy shares how fear kept her on social media in a number of different ways and how it began ‘sucking the life out of her’ before she committed to go against the grain and take a one year social media hiatus. God showed her how social media was a weight that she was carrying that was preventing her from effectively running the race that God had called her to.

This is certainly an episode that you don’t want to miss. Be sure to come back to listen to part 2 of this episode where Sandy shares the top 3 reasons you might need a break from social media.